The Sauna

4.55 (22 reviews)

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In the sauna, Travis relaxes in the hottub. Next to him is a woman with a beautiful face. After a female wrestler enters and leaves the tub again, a discussion ensues: can women beat men? Travis doesn't believe so. The woman in the hot tub rises out of the water and Travis' eyes fall open...

Liz is 6 feet 5, 195 pounds and is very beautiful. You will see her chiseled musclebody from all angles. She darfs her opponent, and delights in lifting him and making him helpless.

PDF, 63 pages

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4.55 (22 reviews)
bella storia peccato che durata solo poche pagine avrei preferito una seconda parte e piu azione
Excellent story with erotic and sexual content in some extent, but it was short. I liked!
Wonderfull pictures i feel very impressed with this work i wish new stories coming soon
Very good work! Never have I ever been able to even imagine something like this actually happening. The Sauna is an excellent work of art! I'm very glad to have this material in my life.
i know its called amazons but are all your characters way taller than everyone,cause i would love to see an average size girl with superstrength like the big girls for change.other than that i really like the detail and art of your works.
A very interesting story that I enjoyed a lot. What a surprise to see her coming out of the water. What amazing physique. I would prefer to see smaller difference between the muscle girl and the macho. I would have to see the female wrestler take on the macho. But the story was well built to spice up things with the dominant muscle girl. Great work once again.
I liked it a lot and look forward to a continuation.
The Sauna (although you could have called The Hot Tub also) had a really fascinating story and amazing art. I still would have wanted to see more flexing or muscle growth because that would have made the comic perfect!
Very very good
Sauna is one of the best sets of the author. I really liked. But there are some negative aspects. The first time she had treated him easily. The second time she let him go too fast. He received only physical satisfaction. Nobody humiliation he has not experienced. There seemed to be an absolute moral and physical superiority of women. Of plus great graphics. Your work is getting better each time. But there is room to grow. The reflection in the mirror is not clear and sustained body proportions. In continuation, I would like to see more physical interactions.
The guy didn't stand a chance! I thought this was easily the most humiliated guy ever. And the scene were he finally exploded from exctacy-epic. I can't say that he'll be happy when she shows up again.
This is a exciting story and has so much potential to grow, the domination is real in this one. I'm looking forward to get a view on the upcoming parts. If you like dominating this is just your thing.
Another masterpiece from Stilton ! The concept of female domination, gentle yet emphatic, inside a sauna is novel and extremely erotic ! The girl looks simply stunning – a very sweet innocent face, bright beautiful eyes, long eyelashes, dark eyebrows, a chiselled nose and full sensual lips, coupled with a spectacularly shapely body and awesome bulging muscles overflowing with raw female power ! The dialogue between the amazon and the teenage girl wrestler is gripping with the muscular athletic girl declaring that she wins “more often than not” against males. And the concept of a Ph.D in Criminology on “female-on-male rape” – the raping of men by women – is really novel and absolutely befitting for a massive amazon. Very few amazons will be outspoken enough to declare to her companion “I could rape you very easily” ! And the concept of jerking off Travis in front of a huge mirror, while gripping him in a iron vice of muscles, is damn erotic ! Overall, the story is one of a demonstration of raw female power ! The end leaves scope for future escapades by this stunning amazon. There is scope for improvement in the reflection of images in the mirror. At the end, introduction to sensuous saucy highlights from Stilton’s other super-hot stories is another brilliant idea ! In summary, another great work and story by Stilton !
Sauna is one of the best sets of the author. I really liked. But there are some negative aspects. The first time she had treated him easily. The second time she let him go too fast. He received only physical satisfaction. Nobody humiliation he has not experienced. There seemed to be an absolute moral and physical superiority of women. Of plus great graphics. Your work is getting better each time. But there is room to grow. The reflection in the mirror is not clear and sustained body proportions. In continuation, I would like to see more physical interactions.
I love superpowered stuff with lifting/keeping someone with one hand, teasing, and bodily raping. If You would add to story like this superpower like breaking something it will be top :)
Hot story and gorgeous drawing. I would have like to see another story with the girl with 2 men at the same time, one in each arm with 2 synchronize cums!
nice story, because it starts in a easy way, then becames spicy and not obvious. I really like the carachter of the dominant lady, would appreciate sex in chair position with tiny man trapped betwen huge legs and tits.
I prefer more comparison and less story
The art and storylines get better with every effort. Ilove the way you are changing the plot around so it is always fresh. Keep up the good work.
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The Sauna

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