Tom and Cindy

4.88 (8 reviews)

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Cindy is a tall, muscular volleyball player, who has some trouble with her grades. She searches the help of Tom, the most intelligent student in her statistics class. Tom tutors Cindy, and they get both more and more interested in each other. We see Cindy slowly approaching Tom, hardly able to contain her amazement at how small he is. She starts with a hug, then proceeds to lift him after another session. At one point, Tom is *really* helpful to Cindy, and the tall girl thinks of an apt reward. This is a story especially for those who like gentler girls. Cindy is mainly sweet to Tom, altough she does enjoy showing her dominance once in a while.

This story was originally written by Partian, and illustrated by me. It was quite some work, featuring many different scenes and backgrounds. It will keep you occupied longer than my other stories as there is more text provided, though there are also many images!

PDF, 83 pages

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4.88 (8 reviews)
This was a really nice little story refreshingly clean and entertaining. Well thought out and executed, with professional imaging. This story just simply showed the dynamics of attraction between male and female opposites. Thoroughly enjoyed.
Hello Jstilton. Wooow. I bought your Tom and Cindy story . Great. Like a dream. A average guy meet a very taller and larger beauty at school. No violence. No domination. scenes of bear hug and lifts are so fantastic. It remembers me when 5 inch taller girlfriend of a good friend leaned her broad chest to kiss me (on my cheeks only). I was very impressed by her large torso and excited too , I must tell you... Because of the different points of view of your camera, it's like living this same impression... I love suggestive dialogs . (I prefer when the heroe give more is own impression and thoughts , for more erotic description and less facts) I love when your very tall hottie is in comparison with an average door or other stuffs. Thank you really for your great art, Stilton.
I really like the entire story. Super work to create Cindy. She has a gorgeous physique, you made her super attractive. Wow fromm part. The only point that annoyed me is that there is too much texts sometimes. Too much description which is not always necessary. I really enjoyed that story. Good work.
The scene where your strong tall super hottie rescues her lover in the elevator is great and very original. Never scene before. I imagine one of tall large beauty enters in a elevator full of smaller males and females, close to her and her large bust. It would be great too !
I thought that this was a well written story and James has done very well. I really liked the ending because Cindy seems like a nice girl the whole story then she turns into someone completely different at the end in a good way for me.
Very good, but no too much comparison
If Stilton did not do any other artwork except this story, the connoisseurs of femuscle would have remembered him for eternity – I am sure ! Such is the quality of his authentic renders in this story through he has given a throbbing shape to the original story from Parthian. The story revolves round the inter-dependence and warmth and the blossoming love between two youngsters in a college, at the break of their youth. Cindy is an astounding creation of God – a Caucasian beauty with sculpted facial features, emerald green eyes, a chiselled nose, lovely full eyebrows and lush lips, she is a tall, strong, muscular beauty with a body to boot ! She is very athletically built and is the caption of the college volleyball team. An all-round star of her college, she lagged in her statistics class and sought the help of Tom, her classmate, to help her out. Tom was one of the cutest boys in the college, extremely smart in studies with a straight 3.9 GPA ! Physically, he was the opposite of Cindy with a slim, fragile build – only 5 ft 4 and 120 pounds against Cindy’s imposing and statuesque frame of 6 ft 5 and 190 pounds of solid muscle. One thing led to the other and the shy Tom and the not-so-shy Cindy came closer and closer to each other, as days went by. Then, the exam results came out and an exalted Cindy wished to gratify Tom with a reward – first, in the restaurant and later, in her dorm room. And what a reward it was, with Cindy – a fabulous blend of luscious feminine charm and awesome muscularity – literally swallowing little Tom in her muscles and crushing him senseless in her powerful embrace !! As I stated in the beginning – an awesome story from Parthian and equally awesome and brilliant illustrations from James !! It is, as if, one can touch Cindy’s and Tom’s body just by extending a finger !
Cindy is Adorable(in her kindness to Tom), Dynamic( in her Physique) and just plain HOT and SEXY............Can't get enough of Her!!!!!!
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Tom and Cindy

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