Dream date, part 3

4.83 (12 reviews)

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And still Jay's pleasure is not at an end. After a good time on the bed, where Hannah gives Jay instructions, they end up in the gym room again. Jay is ecstatic but Hannah is not in a rush and plays with the little guy as long as she wants, handing him a big weight he can't handle, then taking it over herself. She makes him beg, lifts him, and finally gives him his reward, after which there is a final scene back in the bedroom.

For this story I decided to try my hand at a less obviously muscular girl. Hannah is still tall and athletic, but she's not a bodybuilder like most of the girls who populate the Amazonias universe. I think you'll find she's quite sexy and attractive nevertheless.

PDF, 82 pages

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4.83 (12 reviews)
Hannah is the most realistic female of any of the Amazonians. I could see myself in Jay's place, on my knees to her.
Truly loving this character soooo much. She is more believable and looks more real than the other huge characters. Exactly the way I like it. Well written and drwed story
Jay seemed so happy. Now that Hannah bulking up, he will be very happy. They are such an awesome couple. Let's hope jay can handle it.
What a comic this is the best I have ever read in your work good work hats off to you and your mind to giving us the comics that we want all the best for your next comics
It’s a fantastic story you need to create a new chapter of this history and maybe make the girl more bigger a strong
This was a really good buy. I'm a big fan of loving domination, and this edition had a lot of good moments displaying strength and superiority, but also tender caring. I have a few negative comments: there were duplicate pages randomly in my copy, I'm not sure that's the case for everyone; there were a bit too many similar frames, where I'd have preferred more lifting of the actual guy. But good stuff overall!
Excellent comic. Love story continues very nicely. Hannah dominates Jay but she loves Jay very much.
James, I commend you on your excellent, realistic artwork, as well as the storyline. I think I'm in love with Hannah. Will there be a Dream Date, Part 4? Hannah is how I'd want a big, strong girl. A girl must also be soft and creamy-smooth, even if she can crush you. Huge bulging muscles seem too masculine. But that's just my taste. More Hannah, please! Bob
Very nice, but prefer taller girl.
a good story, hope there is still Part 4
Exquisitely beautiful, yet tall, muscular, super-built Hannah and puny, weak, sweet Jay continue their intimate exploration and sensual enjoyment of each other’s body in Hannah’s plush comfy bedroom on the Christmas night as it snows outside ! Hannah enjoys herself to the full, exerting her power on Jay full throttle and shows off her size and strength – to Jay’s delight, of course ! Back to the basement gym, she proudly emphasizes her size and strength and we listen to some slurping sound as Hannah works furiously through her curls ! Most obediently, he kneels at her feet as a slave would kneel before his goddess ! Back to the bedroom, we listen to soft love-hums between the two where he completely offers him up to her control and as one can see – they would live happily and contentedly ever after in each other’s company ! A great story and exquisite art from the great artist Stilton !!
This has to be one of my favorite stories. Other than the Amber and Julien story involving Marjorie. The forced sex and not allowing Jay to cum using a body scissor was a stroke of genius. Plus kissing Jay while bending his arm in hammerlock was straight out of my fantascies. Plus forcing him to curl a weight which he could not and then she curl it easy? So sexy! And Hannah's body is drawn perfect. Her face is drawn beautiful. Her breasts are perfectly drawn. Hannah is definitely drawn with "WOW" power. I hope this story will continue with more of Hannah overpowering Jay and Jay loving it. I highly recommend this story to all jack's clients.
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Dream date, part 3

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