Musclegirl - part 2

4.72 (25 reviews)

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Rachel has been continually growing her huge musclebody till the day Norman comes back to the US for a holiday. Norman is dumbfounded - and terribly excited - as she reveals her new body to him. But there is a problem: in the meantime, Norman has found a girlfriend, and she is there with him. What is our beautiful blonde female bodybuilder going to do?

This comic is a magnificent celebration of female muscle, bringing you incredible comparison shots, lifts, a worship scene, a female muscle growth scene, and much more sexiness. You'll eat this one up!

130 pages - the pdf is split into two.



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4.72 (25 reviews)
A- ma-zing I just love it love rachel love piece of art
The setting is marvelous and the fast growth is superb surprise
I really enjoyed this story a lot. The artwork was amazing and so were the comparisons. I think I would have enjoyed it slightly more without the incorporation of the girlfriend and just having it be her and him with her showing off and maybe some measurements thrown in.
This story picks up right where part one left off. It is filled with lots of sexy muscle growth and fem dom. Plus, it has a very sexy surprise twist at the end.
A great sequel! Really enjoyed the surprise at the end. :D
Great story and amazing art story has best of both worlds one girl slow growth to a giant of muscle with a second girl instant grown to huge size and they roll play a skinny man's dream
I was looking forward to Musclegirl 2 more than I realized. The teaser photos were outstanding and I enjoyed the continuation of the story. The plot twist was outstanding, and has me hoping there may be at least one more installment. Rachel has become one of my favorite Amazonias heroines.
Absolutely love this one. Even more than part 1. She is huge and way more powerful then he can imagine. Love the play between the characters. Super hot comic.
The pill bottle thing in the second part was a letdown. Completely negated the whole first part.
I actually prefer to grow over time rather than to grow rapidly with drugs. But it is very fun and exciting. Because the character is charmingly pretty and huge, If there is another later work, I will pay right away.
First of all: The comics of this site are overall really good. A small island of high quality content. On top of that there is a clear development of render-quality over time. So the pictures are getting better and better. But sadly the writting does not vary that much between the different comics. It's always the big "superhuman"-girl that forces the "wimp" into submission. Now I understand that this is the fetish that the artist wants to adress, but I'm hoping for a bit more variety between the different characters. I for example prefere "realistic heights", boys that are less "wimpy" and girls that dominate not in an "aggressive" but more like a "playful" way (if that makes any sense). What I mean by that is that instead of "my biceps is huge, kiss it, or I will make you kiss it", I would like to read something like: "I workout so hard, but my biceps does not seem to grow." When it is actually pretty obvious that her biceps are growing like crazy and she actually knows it, but wants to mess around with her boyfriend. While I totally get, that this is just personal preference and other people are enjoying the other stuff way more, I'm still hoping for a bit more variety in further comics. And this is where my disappointment for this comics becomes part of further argumentations. (there may be SPOILERS ahead) Musclegirl - Part 1 was the perfect set-up for a different kind of story, with a different take on the musclegirl-admirer relationship. The charactere of Rachel really intriegued me. The girl that earned her power through hard work (and maybe a little help by "magic-supplements") and was slowly feeling into becoming this selfconfident alpha-female. Being playfully dominant to the guy in the gym, while fighting within with not being a jerk, was really refreshing to read. And also her progression of becoming more and more muscular while keeping her femininity was really interesting to follow. Sadly this great build-up may have left me with too high expectations for Part 2. I was really looking forward to this comic and was hoping for a playful, kind and confident Rachel totally teasing and seducing Norman. But unfortunately the story quickly turns back into this "aggressive" style: "I'm the superwoman, kiss my thighs, say this and that, do this and that." On top of that the "twist" of Nathalie growing into Rachels size as well thanks to a few pills, really destroyed the arch of Part 1, where this girl worked hard and over a long period of time to achieve this look and strength. At this point the story is at the same point "Katie, Sophies Property, The Bully" and the other smaller serieses already are. And again: I understand that this is exactly what some (or maybe most) of the people on this site want. But I'm still hoping that in further comics we can see some fresh and new takes on these kind of characteres to bring a little bit more variety into the world of amazonias.
Historia muito excitante!
Simply astonishing.
Absolutely a brilliant comic. Love the muscle growth at the end. Also both girls are beautiful. Great work!
Its nice to see a giant amazon feel both weak and then dominating!
One of the greatest comparisons ever. Please continue.
Spoilers! The size discrepanzy between Rachel and Norm is perfect. There are some amazing comparison shots, but just as it gets interesting, Norms girlfriend shows up. And just as we are about to get a domination shot, the girlfriend grows as well. That...was a shame. Rachel is much more attractive and the stunts are somewhat boring. But the first half is absolutely perfect.
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Musclegirl - part 2

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