Jane - part 2

4 (2 reviews)

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After Jane and Wilson had a steamingly sexy session, Wilson leaves. Through her window, Jane sees that two thugs are waiting for him to show up with his car keys. Jane storms downstairs and confronts the two guys head on.
A short and sweet sequel to Jane, in which the female bodybuilder demonstrates her overpowering strength.

 PDF, 43 pages.

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4 (2 reviews)
This is what amazonias should be about: a big anda powerfull women using the obvios superior strenght in her advantage. Jane was so hot and Power in This is story.I am really love when Amazon women destroy man that way. I COULD WRITE MORE BUT IM WORDLESS. I hope to see more of jane anda similar stories with big women like in te muscle therapy
We have been familiar with the fascinating beauty, raw strength and athletism of big, strong Jane – the awesome muscular young beauty with a super-built shapely body and fire in her heart – who punished poor Wilson terribly, through dreadful physical abuse, for lying to her about his marriage. In this second chapter, however, we are exposed to another facet of her nature – deep down in her heart, she felt a strange attraction for poor Wilson and didn’t want to end the relationship. The warmth she started to feel in her heart towards Wilson goaded her to take a peek at him from her window blinds when she was shocked to see two thugs waiting downstairs, about to rob him of his car and possibly injure him critically ! The kind amazon in her overflowed as she rushed downstairs to protect Wilson from the two thugs. What followed was a veritable nightmare for the two thugs as Jane literally took them apart, destroying them by her exceptional strength and fighting prowess. The chapter has a sweet twist towards the end ! It is a hot extension for female muscle lovers who love to see powerful, well-built girls engage in fighting and subjugating men with their astounding strength, speed and fighting prowess!
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Jane - part 2

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