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Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

In this first part, we follow Katie from 10 to about 16 years old. At a very young age, Katie has an experience that will change her life forever: in the gym where her dad is training, she sees a female bodybuilder, for the very first time. For her tenth birthday, she asks to be allowed to go the gym. She starts to get into working out more and more seriously. At school, she discovers she is stronger than the boys. At home, she notices that she is starting to intimidate her dad, being already stronger than him...

Katie has been serialized on www.lhart.com, and is now being offered at Amazonias.net for the first time. It is my personal favorite story, and is still running. I will provide new chapters here regularly. This story progressed over many months (and is still progressing), together with my skills, so you will see that evolution reflected in the pictures, which get, I think, better and better...

PDF of 158 pages

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Katie - part 1 - FREE

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