Katie - part 21

4.88 (8 reviews)

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Katie gives Angela free reign to play with her dad, but then decides to have some fun with him on her own and to make sure he really understands the situation now. She even tells him how to address her from now on. Because she gets really excited and can't do whatever she wants with Hank, Katie then calls George Drooney, who is overjoyed to hear that she wants to dominate him. But is the famous actor getting in too deep? Find out in this smoking hot new chapter of this bestselling saga.

96 pages

Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

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4.88 (8 reviews)
I liked this one a lot where Katie consolidates her control/domination of her own father. I liked the comedy relief in panel 47 where Hank said "I must be living in some kind of simulation". Popular science fiction stuff.
... as they in no way represent how awesome the story is! The comparisons are way better, the text it much hotter and the story progresses perfectly. I can't wait to see what Katie will do to George, but probably even more so what Angela will do to Hank! I also can't wait until they continue to grow stronger and pick up some new toys. ;-) Bonus: there's some *very* awesome lifts in there!
I loved it. although, I'd love if could add more violence, I mean...kicking, punching, kneeing on the face, breaking bones, sending the guys to hospital or even killing them.
Absoloutley loved katie 21, the domination has gone up to new levels now.Not to give too much away but i particularly like the scene where katie has her dads head between her enormous thighs, one of the best of the katie series in my opinion, later she moves on to the movie star.......... well worth the purchase price
Great comparisons and female domination
Very well. Now the rules at home is officially exchanged. Nice psychological domination from daughter to father
Katie is the best she is a very lovely person and went in last story’s abit darker. If you haven’t read this story, start now!
Katie and Angela team up to finally put Katie’s father into complete submission. Then Katie hands her dad over to Angela to play with her tiny toy, while Katie, raging with desire for another little man-doll, commands A-list actor George into her presence. This second conquest is a no-contest display of Katie’s new role as a total alpha-female who revels in her total sexual and physical power over her helpless man-dolls.
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Katie - part 21

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