Katie - part 26

5 (10 reviews)

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In this incredibly hot Katie-episode, our incredibly huge musclegirl confronts her rich-and-submissive friend George to finally get what she wants. It's a big ask, and she'll need all her convincing powers to obtain it. 
Back home, Katie is superhorny and can't pass the opportunity to play around a bit with little Tommie. The episode ends with Katie being confonted with a hard question...

If you thought Katie couldn't be more powerful or dominating, watch this episode. Huge muscles, huge boobs, incredible lifts and holds... you'll lick your fingers, guaranteed!

104 pages

Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

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5 (10 reviews)
katie is the real deal here!!! The 1st test she ask that guy to do, my jaw drops😱 so sensual!!
I think that the whole story is great. But when Katie grew more the comparisons part is incredible
Great comic, love looking up at Katie pov
absoloutely loved this story, james artwork is fabulous and katie looks amazing, more muscular and more domineering over the submissive males in her life. Also this chapter features the classic most dominant position of all the head held between her enormous thighs. This in my opinion is a definite must buy.
Hot strong, comic
Still one of my favorite stories. Kind of a shame it will end soon, but i understand you have to move on to other stories. Anyway, amazing comic!
This is the side of Katie we have all been waiting for! Cannot wait for the next installment to see her as the goddess she is meant to be. Whatever she wants is all hers, including little Nathan & Tommie!
Again JStilton delivers a top story and a great mix of towering Katie and sensual action. Love the size of Katie. Recomended story!
Katie becomes recently more and more greatly strong.Katie makes sport of boys so that nobody can win because I am strong.George will be annoyed, too.I think that girlfriend Angela of Tommie is very beautiful.Though I am scared in really huge women, Katie will be sexy for Tommie. Because Tommie is small and is thin, it is always violated, and I feel sorry. How about if I attack Angela or Katie in Nathan with George with Tommie? I teach the thing that is good for Tommy and others. Three of you marry you and will prevent tying up hands and feet of sleeping Angela with a rope, and her from moving.The one blocks up her tongue, and another one will control her arm. Other one rape her in remaining one.Let's violate it calmly so that she does not wake up.When she wakes up, please be careful because it is tightened with her leg and is not escaped. I am delighted to challenge a woman of the Amazon in three boys if I impregnate you.Surely the Tommie and others may be murdered by Angela and Katie.T he boy do his best for a girl! ケイティは近頃ますます大きく強くなっています。ケイティは誰も勝てない程逞しいので、男の子たちを弄んでいます。ジョージ君も悔しいでしょう。トミー君の彼女アンジェラさんは凄く美しいと私は思います。トミー君にとってケイティは本当に巨大な女性で、怖いけどセクシーでしょう。トミー君は小さくて細いので、何時も犯されて可哀そうです。トミーとジョージとネイチャ達で、アンジェラかケイティに襲いかかればどうでしょうか。私はトミー君達にいい事を教えてあげます。君たちは3人一緒になって、寝ているアンジェラの手足をロープで縛って彼女が動けないようにしましょう。一人は口を塞ぎ、もう一人は彼女の腕を押さえましょう。残りの一人で彼女を犯すのです。彼女が目を覚まさないように、静かに犯しましょう。彼女が目を覚ますと、脚で絞められて逃げられなくなるので注意してください。3人の男の子でアマゾンの女性に挑んで、妊娠させたら愉快です。きっと、トミー君達はアンジェラさんやケイティさんに殺されるかもしれませんね。男の子は女の子に対して頑張れ!
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Katie - part 26

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