The Audition - part 1

4.2 (5 reviews)

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Trenton is a female muscle admirer and a would-be filmmaker. One day, he has the brilliant idea to organize an audition for big, muscular women, with the lie that he's making an actual movie. Ana turns up, and she's hot as hell. Seven feet tall, muscular, buxom and a face to die for, she is one of the most awesome characters I have created so far (I think).

51 pages + bonus pics

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4.2 (5 reviews)
I love that comic because i like comparison between the girl and boy. Please do more comic or pictures with comparison where the characters look straight to the front i love that. The Comic is for sure a 5 out of 5 stars!!! Greetings from Germany!
You'll fall in love with this girl. Ana is, as most characters by JStilton, a gorgeous girl totally aware of its power. The quality of the pic is excellent and the story, though it's pretty simple, is a good start, totally worth the price.
A very promising start to what looks like would be a very promising series. 7ft tall powerful Ana auditions for a role in a new movie which is directed by an Amazon obsessed little man (like me). Can't wait for this so called movie which could very well be more than what the little director had expected. I am sure Ana would make the directors wildest fantasies come true (in her own style ;) ). We also have the directors twin brother who does not give damn about big women (feel sorry for him already). A story involving a tall strong muscular woman who can do anything to her little men was a great birthday present. Thanks James.
It seemed like there was too much exposition
Wow she is one of the best females you have ever used in a storie J, just incredible. Exellent quality as always
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The Audition - part 1

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