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The boarding school, chapter 4: The power party

It's the big night. Through some muscle-intimidation of supervisor Engels, Sue-Ann has acquired the keys to the teacher's room, where the bodybuilders will have their power party: a celebration of their power and muscle. The guys enter, hesitatingly. Inside, they find the girls, dressed in warrior costumes, larger than life, muscles glistening. Sue-Ann and Morgaine are superconfident and set out to play with their boys, while Caitlyn is gentle with Vincent and is unsure what to do.

Most of the pictures in this chapter were rendered with the new iray engine, which, thanks to new hardware, I have now used for the first time, and I'm very happy with the result. I think this is my best artwork so far. I'm sure you'll see the difference. Moreover, I optimized the pdf compression so for now on you should get even better quality.

PDF, 86 pages

All characters are at least 18 (though especially the guys may look younger, as they are smaller)

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5 (3 reviews)
The scintillating exploits of Sue-Ann, Morgaine and Caitlyn continues through this sequel where they hold an exclusive and private party with their boyfriends in the teacher’s room whose keys they secure through planned intimidation of one of the school supervisors ! My, all the three amazons – Sue-Ann, Caitlyn and Morgaine look awesome and devastatingly beautiful with their dazzling skin, bulging muscles and splendid shapely body parts ! They seem to glow in the golden aura thrown by the burning amber of the fireplace ! The warrior-like costumes they wear add up their irresistible charm which makes the boys speechless in astonishment and apprehension ! What the boys soon experienced was the party was actually the girls’ “power party”, a celebration of the triumph of girl-power over timid, fragile male power ! The lead was naturally taken over by Sue-Ann, the most sadistic amongst the girls, who feels beauty lies in contrasts – big vs small, strong vs weak. Soon, Sue-Ann and Morgaine go full throttle and Patrick and Jacob are virtually vandalized and demolished by them ! Wonderful indoor art by James through his iRay render software and indeed great story-telling !
The enhanced level of detail due to the new iray engine creates a even more realistic viewing pleasure! I loved in what original ways these poor guys get dominated by the schoolgirls, especially the lifting against the wall by the crotch!
I like how you tied it up, but also left a cliffhanger . I also appreciated how you made some violent, some sweet, and some simply horny. Loved the comparison shots and the new graphics are unreal. Keep up the good work!
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The boarding school - chapter 4

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