Katie - part 3 - FREE

4.65 (23 reviews)

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Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

This third chapter is all about Katie's changing relationship with her dad, who discovers - through a poster in Katie's personal gym (a cameo appearance by bodybuilder Maria Wattel) - his own fascination with muscular women. Katie shows dad around in her gym, intimidating the little man with her growing muscles. The same thing happens the next day at the breakfast table, where Katie shows him she is more powerful than he. The chapter finishes with a series of great shots of Katie working out in her gym. 

Katie has been serialized on www.lhart.com, and is now being offered at Amazonias.net for the first time. It is my personal favorite story, and is still running. I will provide new chapters here regularly. This story progressed over many months (and is still progressing), together with my skills, so you will see that evolution reflected in the pictures, which get, I think, better and better...

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4.65 (23 reviews)
Can you also make this comic free for a week i will appeciate it pretty much.
In the first part I really appreciated the shot of her strong legs as she just say "Hi dad". It's a simple thing that make everything hot (for me). Here Katie is even more confident and knows that the power of her sexyness and strength has effect even on her poor good weak father. I think that their relationship must be more enhanced. With feats of strength mind domination, I would like to see Katie give every time the proof that she is the boss at home.
Hello, find the Katie stories well. Katie on the playground was the first story that i have seen of Amazonia. Very good story great pictures.
The plot is not bad at all, but personally I like them bigger and I love lifts. Anyway, thanks a lot for the great job you are doing! I hope you consider to realize my plot in the future ;)
this comic is unique to the rest, as a growth comic, Ioved how the writer controls it’s pace for both growth and character development, I would’ve prefer a more smooth art style, which will give a greater impact, overall I’m satisfied 7/10
Forget Katy Perry -- it's Katy from Amazonias who is the real Teenage Dream. This epic storyline (which is fast rivaling "Amber & Julian" as JStilton's masterpiece) will make you feel like a shy high school boy again. Watching young Katie train and build herself into a strong amazon makes me weak in the knees, and I squirm excitedly every time she achieves new dominance over the men and boys around her. This third part is a great value for the cost. We are treated to many hot images of Katie exercising, gorgeously rendered and lit, in which the reader really gets an appreciation for the work that this young girl puts into her passion for physicality. Even though she's "just a fictional character", I honestly find myself admiring her effort and willpower! This chapter also shows us how Katie's dad supplicates himself before female power: in private he literally worships amazon imagery, but when in the presence of Katie he gets so adorably shy, nervous, and self-conscious. We also see a few important early panels little Nathan: the size-comparison with Katie and his furtive reactions say it all in this precious early foreshadowing of young love to come. Katie's story is as beautiful and impressive as she herself is, and this third chapter is one of my favorite installments!
This story is captivating! it makes never want to stop watching and buy the next episode. All stories on this site are awesome, but this is something else. It is incredible how the characters come to life. The best part is that the slow progression of muscle is much more entertaining and makes you want to see what happens next.
It was awesome i really liked it. but if you could make the growth more noticeble that would be awesome. and thats why it dosnt get 5 stars, but dont get me wrong it was really good.
Very good story is Katie's mother also going to do bodybuiding.
Amazing plot
As the title says, this can be improved. I feel that Katie is blossoming into a confident young amazon, but i personally would prefer if she grows taller as she grows more muscular. Just my humble opinion though, still a great story and marvelous illustrations!
Katie is a sexy teen who outfits her basement into workout central. She is developing her muscles and a dominating relationship over her shorter weaker father (who finds that he loves muscle on women). The future looks bright for the workout queen. I really liked the artwork showing Katie's workouts and developing musculature.
Very good and you get very interested to read part 4
James is So Cool as These Muscle Girls Take Control of Me
Katie is amazing! This story reminds me of many girls these days seeing as quite a few girls are into sports because of the fact that they enjoy getting more muscular and more athletic. I wish Katie was taller though (this is not meant as criticism by the way) but I assume she is still growing. Besides she is already much taller than Nathan and a bit taller than her father.
what a tall girl full of muscle. She has full built and she is hot. I wouldn't mind a gym session with her. RRRROOOOWWRRRR!
i liked it when the daugther is stronger than father
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Katie - part 3 - FREE

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