Katie - part 5

5 (7 reviews)

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Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

In this long fifth chapter, Katie is no longer a small girl. She's GROWN (though still not fully grown). She has extremely impressive muscles and towers over her boyfriend Nathan (as well as her dad). In this chapter we witness Katie defening Nathan against an agressive punk. We see her break the news to Nathan that she'll be in Japan for awhile, travelling with her father. In Japan, Katie continues her workouts and martial arts training, and one night tackles a pushy Japanese boy, making him do naughty stuff. In the meantime, Nathan doesn't hear from Katie and gets nervous. Did she find something else? Did he lose his supermuscular girlfriend? It's a thought Nathan can't bear. Read what happens in this chapter. 

Katie has been serialized on www.lhart.com, and is now being offered at Amazonias.net for the first time. It is my personal favorite story, and is still running. I will provide new chapters here regularly. This story progressed over many months (and is still progressing), together with my skills, so you will see that evolution reflected in the pictures, which get, I think, better and better...

PDF of 173 pages.

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5 (7 reviews)
Superb chapter full of action and emotions. Katie looks amazing and I especially liked her discussion with Nathan. She made her intentions very clear with Nathan. I just liked it so much that I purchased the entire chapters. Great work and most of all it's great to see Katie's self development as a fabulous muscle girl and woman.
Awesome Story. Cant get enough
The best so far in the series but don't skip the others. This is an episodic graphic novel. The scene as they leave a shopping mall is so very good! She gives her boyfriend such a tender kiss with him up stairs from her so they are eye, lips to lips. Then immediately following there is an altercation with a male bully who pushes Nate down and Katie totally takes to task. Not to be missed.
Fantastic story by James, one of the best ones I have read. I only wish I could be a part the Amazon wonderland brought to life in every comic! I love her growth through the storyline and cannot wait for the next chapter to see Nathan's relationship blossom as she grows even larger, and put her father in his place!
I like that Katie and her little man are in love with each other and that she is able and willing to protect him. I liked her impromptu fight while in a Japanese dojo.
Really nice teen romance story. And the shots of Katie are really wonderful.
James you're the man. Keep them coming. I cant wait for more Muscle Therapy. The bigger the better!
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Katie - part 5

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