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After the rest of the company have gone back to to the camp, Gillian and Robbie continue their exploring of each other on the beach. Robbie rubs imaginary sunscreen all over Gillian's gigantic bodybuilder-body, admiring the shape of her rock hard muscles. They both get quite excited, but Gillian also gets quite frustrated. Later, when everyone is leaving the campfire to go to bed, Gillian asks Jason to say. Watch what happens next as the awesome musclegirl has her way with Jason, who loses his macho-hood forever that night...

Hot hot hot action all the way in this chapter!

97 pages

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5 (11 reviews)
Magnificent comparisons. Gillian's chemistry with Robbie is just incredible. Such a hot comic. Gillian is beyond sexy.
Cool story
I'm, she is one of the most beautiful characters you'be used so far in a store, lucky little guy, we'd all like to be in his position hehe. .great job J
This story gets better and better ?
What an amazing addition to this story! Gillian only gets hotter as the chapters keep going. I cannot wait for the next part after this chapter ended leaving you in suspense. Hopefully we get to see her use those muscles even more. Well done!
I was so aroused when I read the story for the first time yesterday that I was tempted to go through this story again today -- this time at a leisurely pace ! Again, I felt a tingling of sensation in my stomach and a rush of blood in my ears as I went through this chapter ! No doubt, I felt as hot and aroused as Gillian and Robbie in the story !! Looking at Gillian, it becomes obvious that she is veritably built like a brick house with beefs of muscle in her legs, arms and back !! She has arms and deltoids like a sledge hammer, thighs and calves like tree trunks, a big hard chiselled back like the starboard of a ship and bowling balls glutes !! She looks like a pillar of muscle and strength. No normal man, even with excellent physique and athletic build, can stand upto her ! She would defeat and enslave them all with casual ease which, in fact, she has done in this story so far ! She has performed impossible lifts which can be made possible only through her immense strength, agility and flexibility. She looks like an invincible female wrestler while holding little Robbie in her lap or holding Jason in her vise grip !! She is, perhaps, the boldest of Stilton's heroines who is not embarrassed to openly express her horniness or forcefully dominate her camping mates to satisfy her immense urge !! The combination of Gillian’s massive muscularity and immense strength, along with the teenage expression on her face, makes her irresistible to any man who loves opulent female musculature, strength and power along with feminine beauty and grace ! Stilton has also beautifully captured the look of innocence on young Robbie's face and his frustration when Gillian decides to go slow on him ! "Hot Summer" is genuinely a piping hot and glorious story for which Stilton deserves highest praise for his scintillating art and fascinating story line !!
Amazing story & art
Very successful story, full of eroticism. I like it most of your stories. Especially the little Robbie is cute. He should show up again, and he can definitely be seduced. Thank you so much!
This story, particularly the third chapter of “Hot Summer”, is the MOST erotic story that I have ever seen or read ……. period ! And, I can say with conviction that this story is one of the hottest stories written by Stilton to date ! Gillian is one of the most massively built, extraordinarily muscular and phenomenally powerful girl that a docile, appreciative male mind can conjure up ! The erotic pairing of this stunning and awesome amazon with the cute, sweet, wimpy, little Robbie has imparted an irresistible charm to this story ! Her shapely, immense, body-builder physique is covered with layer after layer of bulging, rock-hard muscles, pulsating with strength and rippling with flexibility. She looks like a veritable giantess beside the petite, weak Robbie ! She is more than twice his weight and perhaps seven or eight times stronger than him ! No wonder she can lift and carry him in every possible way that no normal female can even dream of ! Not only Robbie …. this girl is easily three to four times stronger than Jason and Paul – the other two male characters in this story who would look pretty macho beside any petite girl, but are utterly outclassed beside colossal Gillian. Gillian is also extremely passionate ! So, if we add Gillian’s passion and horniness to her mesmerising physique, we arrive at a package which is any femuscle lover’s ultimate dream ! And, deep inside this gargantuan, muscle-packed body resides a hot, sweet, passionate mind which adores the cute, simple, ardent, appreciative boy Robbie. Her immense strength has made her very dominant and authoritative too as she ruthlessly demolishes any resistance to her commands. One can sense Jason's despair when his machoness is completely shattered by Gillian in the end ! However, Robbie finds her domination and control highly exciting and intoxicating and he feels like always obeying the wishes of this big girl. All these make Gillian absolutely enthralling and irresistible to menfolk ! The story is poised for a suspense as this chapter draws to a close. And, the art …. by jove, the art of this story is simply breathtaking. Stilton has taken the quality of his art to an altogether new height in this story ……. in realism and richness ! The depiction of water bubbles sticking to chunks of raw muscles on Gillian’s body, the aura of the setting sun and the amber hue of the flickering camp fire on the idling teenagers have been masterfully portrayed, as if in an oil painting. The golden glow of the camp fire on Gillian’s face makes her look bewitchingly beautiful ! On the whole, I can humbly conclude by saying one word ….. this story is a dream for any female muscle lover and a must read !
Over half the story are amazing renders of Gillian intimidating little Robbie on the beach. Too bad he's not old enough yet to satisfy all of her needs. But no worries, she finds another toy to satisfy her desires. ;-) A must read for fans of huge girl bodybuilders with hot, wet bodies toying with smaller guys!
Hot summer chapter 3
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Hot Summer, chapter 3

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