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Big muscular Eleonore tells her shrink another story: she relates how she took a private meditation session, but couldn't control herself and went all out on the teacher, who had been abstaining from anything sexual for fifteen years. After that, Eric brings the musclegirl under hypnosis, compares sizes with her, and has her do some lifting.

You may notice that the pictures of the second part of the story are in a different (I think better) quality. They have been rendered with a different render engine (iray), as I have just bought a new graphics card that allows me to render at this quality with reasonable render times. I'm still learning, so it's not perfect yet, but I'm getting better I think.

One of my best yet, I think, in all modesty :-)

PDF, 93 pages.

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5 (8 reviews)
Love all the part
This episode takes us to Eleonore’s visit to a meditation "guru". Eleonore again gets the tingle in her spine, blood runs through her nerves as she sees that the teacher is another tiny man in his fifties and it would be so easy for her to “break” him. And then she learns that the man has been abstaining from the pleasures of flesh for fifteen long years and an irreverent thought of bursting this man’s abstinence and forcing him into physical pleasures gripped her so violently that her reasoning stopped functioning and she was madly driven by the strong erotic currents inside her body. And when Eleonore gets going, everything else pales into insignificance and submission. She bares her bosoms and with her full, firm, massive, spectacular breasts on display, she proudly proceeds to break his vow of abstinence by force ! As he listened on, Eric feels an uncontrollable lust towards Eleonore’s glorious body, her muscles, her beauty. A new chemistry develops between them as he applies his hypnosis to lay his hands on her body – juicy, solid, confident and bursting with power ! Eleonore is again gripped by that inexplicable, intoxicating feeling surging through her body as she admits to her desire of crushing his puny body ! Hmm ….. the plot becomes thicker and complex with every episode under the master paint-brush of James !
Enjoy both these stories and the continuing story lines. I guess Kathryn is about 7'2 and Elaonore about 6'10. Ron about 5' 1 and Eric 5'3. Can you appraise of true height? Also because of Elaonose thin face and anger issues, I assume she may be using steroids.
Seriously. You write GOOD dialogue without misspellings. Your art is INSANELY GOOD. And your plots? Hey, pretty good, given the genre! Call me a happy customer!
I absolutely love this series, Eleonore is the Amazon Goddess of my dreams. I would love to serve her. I hope she snaps out and truly dominates the tiny shrink and truly makes him her slave.
Wow the fourth part of amazonias.net's fantastic "Muscle Therapy" series looks due to a different render engine more realistic than ever! I enjoyed reading this story with even more detailed feminine, muscular beauty and power!
If you like HUGE, MUSCULAR. and TALL girls next to short men, this is the story for you to buy
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Muscle Therapy - part 4

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