
4.83 (12 reviews)

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Discover how Stu meets an Amazon online, meets her in real life in a hotel, and gets totally abused. Things only get worse when she takes him out shopping on his credit card, and they meet the storekeeper who is an even crueler bitch than Amazona herself. The storekeeper takes both of them to the basement, where the big girls show no mercy for the little man and take what is theirs. 
The girls in this story are a bit smaller than the girls I typically draw. They are quite muscular, but not full blown bodybuilders, as you can see from the screenshots.

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4.83 (12 reviews)
Really good story!
OK WOW! JUST WOW amazon is a wonderful comics that shows the evet fit woman that not that big like "the mountain" can beat man with no struggle. and I really enjoyed that comics because its exactly what I was looking for I really hope that others would like it like I did!
Excellent story, there are three details I liked a lot. First: Shoes and feet details. I like open shoes and feet. Second: The fact that the girl is martial artist. I like when the girls have fighting skills and kick men ass. Third: The girls domination braking the man bones, specially her feet, I enjoy it a lot. Hope to see more martial artists in the future. Have you ever consider having trained spies like "Charlie Angels" with your personal touch? It would be awsome!!! Thank you. Ef
I came only by the prewiew
A friend ofrece mine show me te story anda i loved itI like the gentler, yet still dominant muscle amazons, so this story is especially appealing. She plays with her little boy toy, discovering her own love of domination and control while all the time protecting and loving him. Entranced by her great beauty and immense strength, he doesn't have a chance. but of course he doesn't want to! Jaajka
As always, reliably creative and so well illustrated.
The story is also very good, the women wish me a bit taller and more height comparisons.
Amazonas was easily the best, hottest, most satisfying mini-giantess story I have read to date. Here's why: first, the girl, Amazona (great name) was the epitome of my "dream girl" - tall, blonde, blue-eyed, incredibly beautiful, hot, sexy as hell, domineering and took utter delight in dominating and humiliating her smaller male companion. Secondly, her size in proportion to the male lead character was perfect for my tastes and fantasies. Her musculature and fitness level was just about perfect also for me - very well-defined and cut with nice rippling supple muscles but not too bulky. She retained all her femininity which for me is a necessity because although I love for a girl to be in excellent physical shape, I prefer the fitness pageant or swimwear/fitness model body type as opposed to a bodybuilder that gets so bulked-up they don't even really look like a woman anymore. And lastly, the type of sexual action that took place also closely reflected my own fantasies of being with a gorgeous, tall, hot Amazon like this one! Finally, all I can say is it left me very, very hungry for more of the same!!!
For a frail, short man like Stu, enjoying the company of a tall, strong amazon brings with it a possibility of pain along with pleasure and exactly that has happened here !! Fragile Stu has given himself up to this striking amazon dominatrix through his own invitation and now he is totally trapped under her control, a slave to her. The story is a delight for courageous little men who are transported by the artist from one erotic scene to another. Oh, by the way, I never knew that a mere silhouette of a woman of amazonic proportions could be so sexy until I saw it in this story !! Great art by James !!
Great storylines and characters. You should creat similar story with Majorie
wow the amazona story was just incredible. it left me wanting more! I loved the ending and the fact that she forced him to buy her clothes and then just left hahaha! It left me wondering if the martial arts girl that took her place would do the same thing and then leave him with the next amazon woman. I wonder if he would ever run out of money, or if a relationship where the male is submissive and the female is dominant could ever be long-term
I prefer the comparison between much taller girls (6'5" - 7') and much smaller and weaker men (4' - 4'10")
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