Katie - part 15

5 (9 reviews)

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In a Skype call with her mom, Katie hears some shocking news about her dad that makes her angry. She dresses down and goes to the living room to confront her father. She's determined that her punishment of him will be subtle and sweet. The power dynamics between the two take a new turn, and Katie finally finds within her the power and the confidence to dominate. Hank too discovers emotions he had never suspected. Of course nothing indecent can happen between daughter and father, and both will need to find their own ways to release the tension after the confrontation...

 72 pages

Katie is the epic story of a young girl discovering that she loves muscles, strength, and power. She experiences the antagonism of her dad, she finds love in the person of small Nathan, and friendship with fellow bodybuilding giantess Angela.

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5 (9 reviews)
the Katie storyline just keeps getting better and I like the way she keeps getting bigger and more muscular the artwork is excellent can't wait for Katie 16
Katie is my dream girl. No, wait! Angela is my dream girl! I can't decide! Bring me Katie 16!
Simply Awesome. So exciting look a stunning fit as ever Katie, finally get it clear of who is the boss at home. Great dialogue, great shots and great Katie!
Katie is one of you best charecters, i really like the way this story is being developed, i can't wait for the next part to come out ... I imagine Angela will be as hot as always. Keep the great plot and quality . :D
A sudden twist of events in Episode # 15. Hearing about her father’s past unfaithfulness towards her mother, Katie (she is now a fully grown, big, tall, muscular, powerful amazon) decides to unleash psychological revenge on her little father and man, what an mind-boggling revenge it was ! Although nothing indecent happens between father and daughter, Katie is determined to unleash full domination and control over her puny little father ! Hank realizes how his control over household has totally slipped into the hands of his massive bodybuilder daughter. The situation gets further complicated as he is stunned by her physique, personality, confidence and authoritativeness, as his mind is gripped in conflicting emotions of fear and adulation, humiliation and intoxication, frustration and admiration. And Katie herself feels horny as hell in the process ! To add to the tension and excitement, there is a wee little surprise at the very end of this episode. A great read for lovers of female supremacy !
Hey ! I missed mentioning one important point in my earlier review. The use of black-and-white images for Katie's flashbacks is really very unique and awesome ! :)
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Katie - part 15

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