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Marjorie is back! She's one of my most popular characters, and starred in Amber and Julian, and Another Lesson for Mr. McMillan. This is a standalone story, where the gigantic female bodybuilder and her stepbrother Julian - both eighteen years old now - find themselves in dad's office. Marjorie is taking a couple of selfies when Julian walks in, and Marjorie obviously has the idea of including Julian in the pictures. The big girl dominates the boy completely, putting him in several humiliating positions and taking more pictures. 

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4.5 (6 reviews)
sexy, erotisch und herlich dominant
My head reels (like that of poor little Julian !) as I go through these latest Marjorie exploits :) What an art ..... what muscle power and strength and control and domination .... what overwhelming superiority and invincibility of a heroic amazon over a puny little timid youngster !!! He is mortally afraid of her, yet irresistibly drawn to her shapely, hyper-muscular super-strong amazonic body, combined with her bewitching feminine beauty and charm ! Overawed, he meekly submits “You are the strongest person I've ever met ! I just can't believe how strong you are !” Indeed, Marjorie is one of the MOST MUSCLE-PACKED AND POWERFUL amongst your amazons till date ….. great art with titillating dialogue !!
Just finished reading this and I'm glad I did for how illuminating it was concerning Marjorie's feelings towards Julian which has always puzzled me. I liked the comparisons and dominance. The ease in which Marjorie handled Julian is remarkable and the dialogue and dynamic between the two continues to be intriguing. I also like when she tells him to take off his clothes he asks why. It was a good detail since at this point in the A&J timeline he wasn't as broken a man as he ends up being. He still has a bit of agency and some self-esteem. Although still clearly scared of her he isn't petrified of her like he becomes later on. That was nice for consistency and continuity. I like that she continues to refer to him as her brother as it shows a level of awareness or self-acknowledgement on some level which I have always appreciated about her character. I think she likes the association between herself and Julian always refering to him, other than by his name, as boyfriend or brother and herself as his sister or girlfriend, like they are connected. She likes being his BIG sister and I think these assocaiations equate to a sense of ownership in her mind, like your MY brother or MY boyfriend, you belong to me, which she craves. The more ways they are connected the better for her power complex. Also I actually found it kind of cute how she tells Julian to tell her how strong she is. She is very vain like mean teenage girls in american films and I thought that added a level of vulnerability to her. You have been writing it all the time but this story and years of thinking have helped me finally understand your intent I think. I think Julian makes her feel like a Goddess by comparison and she is addicted to that feeling of power. The crueler she is the more her dominance is affirmed over Julian as his resistance is futile. However whenever she is nice she is also takes plesaure in being Julian's safe space. Like a popular idea of God being provider and punisher , protector and bringer of plagues. Like in this story when she holds him and says he is safe after she had just been cruel to him. Or in the main story where she decides to be nice to him for the remainder of the summer (until he tries to run away from her on the beach) in response to seeing how scared he was of her (which went a ways to endearing me to her). She wants Julian to be afraid of her and to love her she wants to occupy all his feelings and be the subject of his entire life. She wants to own him completely, she wants all his actions to be about her in other words she wants to be his God. So finally I think Marjorie has some affection for Julian but won't let that get in the way of her enjoyment and doesn't care how hurt he feels as long as it doesn't tip the balance too far into fear (which it did, which led him to run and her to get proper angry). Also I think Marjorie is more fixated on Julian than he is on her hence why he could run and why she was surprised. In that way Julian broke that image of Godhood and showed Marjorie she didn't completely own him. She had failed which is why I think she was so angry.
You've created SO MANY wonderful characters, but I have to say Marjorie is by far my favorite. I simply love her natural thirst for domination, and the incomparable creativity she utilizes in order to get what she wants. "Selfies with Julian" is so great for many reasons, but I think I have to rate it so highly because it has so many great body comparison shots with Julian. I mean, she absolutely DWARFS him in every way. I especially love how she much bigger AND much taller than him. Thanks so much for your art! It is certainly appreciated! :)
I love the lift and carry, especially when she only uses one hand to lift him and makes it look effortless. I'd love to see Marjorie lifting more than one guy at once, with one hand. As easily as she handled Julian, I bet she could.
That naughty little Marjorie is up to her usual tricks and there's nothing Julian can do to stop her.
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Marjorie: selfies with Julian (Amber & Julian series)

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